Trent & Vanessa Knight


Trent and Vanessa Knight are called to Outreach Ministry.  They formed TK2 Ministries December 2015 to share the love of CHRIST by meeting the needs of people as way to open a door to meet their spiritual needs.

Trent Knight is a former Licensed Minster and a former Elder Elect at his church. Trent previously served as the Pastoral Care Co-Leader, as the CARE Ministry Leader, and as the Media Ministry Leader. Trent also served as a Missionary on the Mission Ministry, as an Intercessor on the Intercessory Prayer Ministry, and as a Certified Pastoral Counselor on the Counseling Ministry.

Vanessa Knight is a former Women’s Prison Ministry Leader. Her heart has been for this area of ministry since 2008.  Having had to deal with the stigma of incarceration with loved ones, her desire and prayer was to help incarcerated men and women, those in transition homes, and others recovering from substance abuse. Vanessa’s vision and goal is to help her husband provide a conduit to housing, employment, and community resources enabling those to transition back to mainstream life with a sense of normalcy.
